Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh, for the love of Christ

Really? REALLY?

Fuck this fat bitch. I hope she gets to 998 pounds and drops of a fucking heart attack.

I'm going to be blunt. I hate fat people. Not people who aren't "perfect" by fashion standards, or people that are few pounds overweight, or people that struggle with their weight despite honestly watching what they eat and exercising. I mean the FAT FUCKS.

I see shit like "Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic" or "Fatass Teenager" or whatever the hell the shows are called and I want to put a goddamn chair through my TV. Stop giving these people both attention and food. They aren't contributing JACK SHIT to society. They don't produce goods or services; a good many are on the public dole; they get primo parking spaces just for being lardasses; and they ride around Walmart and Target on those little carts instead of walking and getting the exercise they need.

And you know what? Their kids are uniformly fatasses too. It's a goddamn viscous cycle. And it costs me money, ultimately. Starve these fuckers until they can walk, then put them to work out in the vineyards of California. All the healthy grapes they can eat, less demand for illegal immigrants, and the phonies and leftists will be forced to look at fat bastards all day.

And maybe the extra weight will cause the San Andreas to finally, mercifully make California slide into the ocean, and Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman will no longer have districts to represent.

1 comment:

  1. You had me at "I hope she gets to 998 pounds and drops of a fucking heart attack."

